Story of Poppies poem

The poem i have been handed to is called Poppies written by Jane Weir and i will be explaining my thoughts on what the story of the poem is.

I think that the poem is about a woman who lost someone very close to her like a husband who died fighting in a war. I think that because the person is constantly thinking about the other one while she’s at the funeral staring at her boyfriend or husbands corps laying there in a coffin with a clean suit on prepared to get buried.  And so she saw him for the final time and went away missing him and probably going to to be depressed because of the fact that she’s never going to see him again.






3 responses to “Story of Poppies poem”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar
    Christopher Waugh

    I’m very impressed with the clarity with which you have described the undelying ideas in quite a confusing poem.


  2. Haris Conroy Avatar
    Haris Conroy

    Albert I believe this is a amazing piece of work and I think that sir should give a lot of credit for your work as you can tell a lot of effort has gone into this and I am pleased to say that at least one person in this class let alone the others that he is working hard!

    Mr.Haris Conroy

    1. Christopher Waugh Avatar
      Christopher Waugh

      Loving that.
